Saturday, January 03, 2004

It's another grey day. I'm playing Graham Parsons "Return of the Grievous Angel" CD on my computer, and wondering why so many people with incredible talent only live long enough to give us a litte taste of the touch of God inside them. "In my hour of darkness/In my time of need/Oh Lord grant me vision/Oh Lord grant me speed"
It's worth a listen. I know, I know, some people don't think that they like country-sounding music. Tell ya what. Give it a spin, sometime. It's good stuff. You know why people don't like it, don't you? It makes them feel something deep down. We're programmed to look pretty and never have a sad moment. Then, along comes a song that makes you think about people you love and how much you'd miss them if anything should ever happen, and you find that you're bawling your eyes out at 70mph on the freeway. Go ahead, beefyboy. Keep a dry eye during "Streets of Heaven." If you can do it, you're probably some sort of sociopathic serial killer.

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