Saturday, November 20, 2004


4:30 in the mornin', there's a storm movin' in...

Ok, so there isn't a storm, but that's the song line (from the Garth Brooks tune "Thunder Rolls") that always runs through my head when I say that it's that time in the morning. Stupid, maybe, but we aren't using this as an evaluative instrument about my intelligence, are we?

So. The real question right now is, do I go back to sleep for half an hour, knowing that my alarm will go off at 5 to wake me for the Fanatics Group meeting of AA at 6am, do I go back to sleep for an hour, giving up a shower but still attending the meeting, or do I cancel the alarm altogether and just revel in the blankets on a Saturday morning? It's a tough call. There are other AA meetings, you know. This one is special, though, which makes for an extra little bit of twinge. Grr. I'm leaning toward sleeping and getting myself to a meeting tomorrow morning instead. It's a valid alternative.

I'm having the girls today and tomorrow and taking them to school on Monday. I had planned to pick them up after my 8am meeting; around 9:30 or 10. I can still pick them up at that time, I suppose. I'm really looking forward to being with them.

Behind me I can see the gentle "dawn simulator" of my alarm clock starting to glow. Just shut it off, since 1. I'm already awake and 2. I'm probably going to go back to sleep here in a minute.

Ooo...bad fart. Excuse me.

Anyway...I'm planning on making food with the girls all weekend, and having stuff that they can take with them for lunch on Monday. Sunday, I'm taking them to the Greenbriar Cinema/Grill to see Shark Tale. This place brings you food from a menu and serves it at tables while you sit in comfy chairs to watch whatever movie you're seeing. After one time there, last weekend, to see Shaun of the Dead, I'm totally hooked.

That's ten minutes worth of writing. That's enough to head back to my warm bed and think happy thoughts. I think one of my happy thoughts will be to set the alarm to get me up at 7, in time for me to hit that 8am meeting.

Yeah, that's a good plan. I'm gonna do that.

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