Friday, March 25, 2005


It's a bit early for me, but I'm going to write anyway.

Normally, I don't write in this thing until after 3am. Since I technically have 13 minutes until that hour, I'm early, right? is everybody today? I realize I'm talking to the voices in my head, but it sounds nicer to be polite and include them in the conversational tone of the event. My/Our response is, "I'm/We're doing really well!" Works is going well, things feel like they're going smoothly, and as bumpy as life's circumstances can bo, I'm feeling like I'm making positive steps in the right direction. I just got accepted to a PhD program, and I'm getting ready to start in on the financial aid stuff tomorrow. I need to get that pushed through pretty quickly so that I can have the credit hours I need in time to renew my teaching license before August. It expired on the sixth of this omnth, and there's no two ways about that. One way or another I need to cubmit six credit hours, or decide to switch to the new "points" system and be done with it. I really should look into that. It's possible that I could write up my activities from the past several years and have enough points to slide by. I still want that PhD, though, and now that I'm actually accepted to a program, I'm going to push myself to get it done. One of these days I may want something different for myself, and it will be good to have options available to me. It will also be good to have myself positioned at the top of the payscale, always hoping that I don't price myself out of a job, of course. There's a part of me that can hear my dad telling me how stupid I'd be for doing that, and that part of me recognizes that "no good deed shall go unpunished." Still, and all, I want the things that I want, and this seems to be the best means to my ends. Robbing a bank is just so not me.

The nose of my tattoo is a heart, turned upsided down, because I said that love always ends up upside down with me. Now I'm starting to wonder if the tattoo is right side up and I'm the one who's upside down. Time will tell.

Speaking of's 3am on the dot. I'm going back to bed.

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