Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Some days we fly. Other days we cry.

Today, however, we had to sit with the fifth graders for the "family
life" program. Thank god for that, I say. If I ever have to go
through puberty again, I'll know what to expect. Amazing how some
kids can ask a question, have it answered, and the kid right next to
them asks the exact same question.

It's hot here, today. I have my windows open, my fan going, and my
room is still warm and sticky. One of these days, we'll have air
conditioning like the fancy schools do, but today is not that day.

I haven't been keeping up with the Mindspace as much as I used to.
For whatever reason, I just don't seem to go there and post as
frequently as I did in years past. I started posting on there in the
fall of 1997! What an interesting place it's been over that time.

Is it really truth that we seek, or just a sweet enough lie to settle
our minds so we can sleep at night?

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