Monday, July 04, 2005


Ahh, the National Holiday.

I spent all of my day today inside, scoring tests for CTB/McGraw-Hill. I finished out a project, and I'll start another tomorrow to try to help another team get done. You know what, though? I'm ready to go back to working just one job for a while. I'm tired, dammit. Here it is, 7:30 or so, and I'm about to take myself a little nap. Why? Because it's a good idea, for one, and because all this insomnia is catching up to me. I've been awake for a couple of hours every night for the last I don't know how long, and the novelty of it is starting to wear thin.

OH. I realized this morning that the guy I sat across from yesterday and today was a guy that I saw in the meeting last night. He picked up a 6-month token. He gave me a big smile when I said "I saw you last night, didn't I?" That made me feel good, and it reminded me of what we'd been talking about at the meeting: step seven. Yep, nothing like asking god to remove those defects of character. I guess we can see that I've still got a way to go on that one, eh? I'll keep praying, though. One of these days, I'll make a pretty decent person, I think. ODAAT, boys, that's the cry, and don't let 'em sway you from it.

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