Saturday, July 02, 2005


Every now and then, I like to write one of these in the daytime.

So, I worked all day today, scoring tests. Minutes of fun, I tells ya. Then, went over to the house to discuss financial stuff with the ex. There's a pile of debt, there is. It makes the stomach roll a bit to think about it. Still, it's one step closer to total freedom. It made me sad to sit in that house and look around at the mess it's in. She always said that I was the slob. Now, we all know that I'm not exactly Mr. Neatnick, but I've been gone from there for almost two years. That ain't my mess in there.

I'm really looking forward to going to bed early tonight. How sick is that? 8pm on a Saturday night, and I'm giddy with joy over the thought of being in bed alone all night long. Ah, well. I'm tired. Most of tomorrow's test scoring will be overtime for the week, in addition to having taught summer school every morning. My ass is dragging a bit, and it's a big ass.

I got a birthday card from dad, mailed "c/o" the house address (I haven't told him where I'm living). It said "I hope your life is going ok." That was it. Nothing like "we miss you" or "it'd be nice to hear from you" or anything like that. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that that sort of boils down to "have a nice life," don't you?

It was good to see the girls, even if only for a few minutes. They grow so fast. Macy has lost one of her top front teeth. If that isn't cute, I don't know what is. Maddie has suddenly outgrown most of her clothes. I miss so much, in such a short amount of time. I'm hoping that when all the dust settles, I'll be able to get into a regular routine of seeing them and having them and taking care of them. It fucking sucks this way, lemmetellya. Maddie is going to be in third grade. The little bundle that we brought home in an ice storm is almost as tall as my armpit. It's unbelievable.

Anyway, intrepid reader, I'm heading to bed early on this fine evening. I'll be up early, too, hopefully in time for the 7am meeting at The Club, before I clock in at 8:30 for another lovely day of scoring.

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