Saturday, July 09, 2005


Hello, and welcome to Saturday.

I managed to crawl my entire ass out of bed this morning at about ten after five, shower, and get to my Fanatics Group by 6am. It was a good meeting, but I confess that I may have dozed a bit every few minutes. Ah, well. Some meetings, you just go to in case they take attendance, I guess. Sort of "what are you willing to do to stay sober" or something.

Dinner tonight with Awesome Auntie and a cousin from out of town (not her kid). All in all, a relaxing and sort of enjoyable weekend.

I was looking at new motorcycles on the internet last night. I think I want a Super Glide FXDI. That's the one with fuel injection. I can put bags and backrests on it, and be able to tour if I want, or I can take them off and have a decent-looking cruiser bike. I know I'll miss the V-Rod, but I have to be honest with myself and recognize that I'm much more about spending a lazy day on a cruiser than a few hours trying my skills with the curves on a sport bike. Or, maybe I'll get in there and decide that I'd rather just go ahead and get a Fat Boy. Or, I'll get in there and decide that I really want another V-Rod. Or, who knows what the hell I might do? I guess keep looking at pretty pictures for a while, at least.

Regardless of what you get, I'm sure you'll still look hot on one.
You don't have to go to meetings for the rest of your life to stay sober:
Thanks for the link, anon2. I've been pretty happy with what I'm doing, though, and not really wanting to change that.
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